OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100是極具權威的國際認可紡織品安全認證,確保紡織品不含化學成份、有毒或致敏物質。如果紡織品帶有STANDARD 100標籤,即代表産品上每一個部件,包括每塊布、每條線、每粒按鈕等,都已經過有害物質測試。
測試由OEKO-TEX®的獨立合作機構,根據OEKO-TEX®指定的標準目錄進行。標準目錄內的指定測試包括多種化學物、殺蟲劑、致癌物、色素及重金屬等物質;在許多情況下,STANDARD 100對這些有害物質的測試標準,比其他國家和國際要求更嚴謹。另外,OEKO-TEX®會根據科研發展及相關法例修改,至少每年檢討及更新一次標準目錄,確保測試範圍能與時並進。
OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100認證劃分為四個產品級別,而COMFi産品所持的第一級別認證(Class 1) 是為3歲以下嬰幼兒產品而設,所以測試過程最為嚴格謹慎。為寶寶安全著想,各位爸爸媽媽購買寶寶床品時,應該留意一下產品有沒有OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100標籤。
OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 官方網站:https://www.oeko-tex.com/zh/
What is OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certification?
OEKO-TEX® is highly authoritative certification body which comprises of a union of 18 independent research and test institutes in the field of textile and leather ecology in Europe and Japan, with contact offices in more than 60 countries. Its certification is internationally recognized to offer one of the highest levels of confidence for consumers.
According to OEKO-TEX®’s official website, “If a textile article carries the STANDARD 100 label, you can be certain that every component of this article, i.e. every thread, button and other accessories, has been tested for harmful substances and that the article therefore is harmless in human ecological terms.
The test is conducted by our independent OEKO-TEX® partner institutes on the basis of our extensive OEKO-TEX® criteria catalog. In the test they take into account numerous regulated and non-regulated substances, which may be harmful to human health. In many cases the limit values for the STANDARD 100 go beyond national and international requirements. The criteria catalog is updated at least once a year and expanded with new scientific knowledge or statutory requirements. It is not easy for manufacturers and customers to keep an overview of the legal situation concerning harmful substances every day. Our experts from the OEKO-TEX® institutes do this for you.”’
The OEKO-TEX® laboratory tests include around 100 test parameters and take into account the intended use of the textiles. The more intensive the skin contact of a textile product, the stricter the limit values for each product class. COMFi products are awarded with “Product class I: Articles for babies and toddlers” certification, which means they meet the highest standards of safety and are suitable for babies & toddlers under the age of 3.
For more information about OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100: https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/